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Enjoy fully furnished office spaces with flexible lease terms, professional amenities, and conference room access – all in our prime Malvern, PA location. Whether you need office space for one person or the whole team, we can accommodate your needs!

Private, Professional, and Affordable!

Professional Office Space with Flexible Lease Terms & Business Services

Choose from our private offices and suites ranging in size from 100 to 500 square feet. With our flexible office space leasing options, you can easily expand or contract as your business needs change, and your private office rental gives you access to our entire facility and array of business services. Everything you need to conduct business is located here in one place for your convenience. We have included numerous services and amenities in the monthly rent with no hidden fees. With no large capital outlay or long-term commitment required to get started, there’s no risk involved. Let us show you to your new office today! Bring your computer and we’ll take care of the rest!

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first floor office space

Executive Office Space

  • Private office suites from 100 to 500 square feet
  • Prestigious location: the Great Valley Corporate Center in beautiful Malvern, PA
  • Access to executive amenities and business services
  • Meeting room time included
  • Flexibility to easily expand and accommodate your business

These Standard Services are Included in Your Monthly Rent

  • Fully furnished private office or multi-person office suite
  • Professional receptionist during business hours
  • Name on lobby directory and office door
  • High speed internet
  • Meeting room time (12 hours per month per office)
  • Incoming mail receipt and outgoing service
  • Kitchen with vending machines
  • Complimentary coffee and tea
  • Maintenance and utilities
  • On-site management
  • Janitorial service Monday-Friday
  • Free and ample parking
  • 24-hour access to building and your office
  • 24-hour HVAC

Flexible Office Solutions with Flexible Lease Terms

Whether you need occasional desk space for your mobile employees, a branch office to test the area market, a team room for a larger group of workers, or instant space with internet support in case of an emergency, we can create a specific space and service solution for as long as you need it.